亿欧智库EqualOcean Intelligence
亿欧智库(EqualOcean Intelligence)是亿欧EqualOcean旗下的研究与咨询机构。为全球企业和政府决策者提供行业研究、投资分析和创新咨询服务。亿欧智库对前沿领域保持着敏锐的洞察,具有独创的方法论和模型,服务能力和质量获得客户的广泛认可。
EqualOcean Intelligence is the research and consulting division of EqualOcean. It provides market and investment analysis, as well as advisory services for global enterprises and public decision-makers. Widely recognized across a number of industries thanks to its service capacity and research methodology, EqualOcean Intelligence closely tracks cutting-edge technologies, applying unique frameworks and models to solve longstanding and emerging problems.